There was something i happened to witness less than half an hour ago which i just had to blog about
I was thinking of doing it tomorrow when i realized,
i'm leaving tomorrow morning.
So i have to do it today.
Singapore Idol...
wow. That's what i though.
And not in a good way - at all.
This episode....they all were terrible.
That's my opinion so don't tag any crap about how they didn't suck
because no matter what you say,
they still sucked to me.
You opinion is yours, mine is mine.
And i'm sharing mine with whoever wants to read this.
I don't know why they choose to do the songs they did
Maybe they liked the songs, maybe someone told them to do it
Maybe they thought people would vote for them if they sang that song.
But they sang it bad....real bad.
Slyvia is usually okay to me.
Today she sounded worse than ever.
Especially at the end of "i don't need a man"
It was sooo off and terrible. I just stared at the screen and said "Wow"
Maybe she was streseed about the dance moves [which were just as bad]
so i'd give her that.
She's supposed to be singing anyways, so why stress the dance?
Stitch has always been bad to me.
I dunno why he's still in but he is.
I usually think Tabitha is awesome...tonight, not so much.
But it's not exactly their fault, is it?
They just couldn't sing any of those songs.
So i really think they should never try again....unless in private.
Gosh, i'm just a douchebag today.....
but you have to admit...i was right at some point.